4.3. 555 chip

After we got acquainted with the basic concept of the delay and clock, we will use the integrated circuit 555. Specifically, we will use its flexibility when used in different configurations:

  • astable
  • monostable
  • bistable

The figure shows the basic arrangement of pins whose meaning and usage will be introduced in different configurations.

Figure 4‑8 Chip 555 block diagram
(Source: referenced)

Due to its stability and configurability, the 555 chip is one of the most widely used chips. The name 555 can be attributed to its internal structure. By using three 5kΩ resistors connected in series, the circuit realizes voltage dividers that serve as reference operating voltages for this extremely advanced and popular chip.

It is important to notice that I have succeeded to understand the workings of the 555 chip through the brilliant explanation of Mr.Charles Platt in the book Make: Electronics. In the following chapters, I am only transmitting my interpretations of the aforementioned explanations, so I highly recommend the book.



C. Platt, Make Electronics (Maker Media, 2015)

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